Trust Helps Make Your Brand Reputable
Regardless of the products your company makes or the services it provides, without a good reputation a business’s brand cannot be successful. Customers want the most for their money, and when they research businesses to decide who they will buy from, they choose the company they think is superior to its competitors.
No one wants to pay for a product or service that’s lower in quality than advertised, so whether you're a brand owner pitching to a new client or looking for businesses to partner with, your reputation will always affect your bottom line.
According to RepTrak (formerly the Reputation Institute), a company’s brand reputation is determined by examining the quality of its overall performance, products or services, managerial leadership, workplace environment, and corporate citizenship. By examining these attributes, consumers can establish how they feel about one of the most important characteristics of a reputable brand – trust.
For customers, trust establishes a sense of openness and transparency that is equally as important as the price of a company’s goods or services.
RepTrak reports that a company’s actions can disrupt sales and weaken its reputation in an instant. One disparaging social media post from a customer or a former employee can create a public relations nightmare for brand owners, making trust a key trait that brands need to possess if they want to thrive in the long term. At Leland Creative Marketing (LCM), we work directly with our clients to establish and maintain a reputable brand and a loyal customer following by showcasing traits such as trust, integrity, and transparency.
The team at LCM helps business owners build reputable brands by getting to know our clients, who they are, what they sell, and who they are selling to. Using a wide range of marketing services, we collaborate with clients and build their trust in order to help them establish and nurture trust with their clients and prospects. Through this process we successfully connect our clients with their customers to promote their brand, achieve lead generation, and drive sales.